The surgery department currently has $13 million in research awards and grants, of which more than $5.5 million is funding from the National Institutes of Health.​ Our research administration team supports proposal submissions by investigators at all levels, including faculty with multi-center grants, residents in training, and medical students with summer research awards. We look forward to working with you.
Our office works directly on your behalf with UF’s Division of Sponsored Programs and the Office of Clinical Research on proposal submission, clinical research agreements, award and sub-award management, renewals, and close-outs. As such, we ask that investigators notify our office at least 30 days prior to submission of proposal submission using this form. In addition, we have generated this Proposal Timeline. for your proposal to demonstrate which documents are needed at various times during the 30 day application window.
Kim Wollard, PhD, Assistant Director of Research Administration can be reached via email: or phone: 352-265-7298 to assist you with award submission or to put you in touch with someone from our office who may be the best contact for making your award submission process effective.