Project 1: Defining an Immunosuppressive Index

Defining an immunosuppressive index that predicts infection susceptibility after burn injury

A profile of immune gene expression from burn patients that can be transformed into an “index”, which accurately reflects the underlying degree of immune insult and significantly correlates with the degree compromise would be transformative for the care of burn injury patients.

Selected references:

Mahung C, Stepp WD, Long C, Malfitano M, Saklayici I, Wallet SM, Zhou LY, Zhou H, Cairns BA, Maile R.  Early expression of IL-10, IL-12, ARG1 and NOS2 genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells synergistically correlate with patient outcome after burn injury. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 2022 PMID: 35363228

Mahung C, Wallet SM, Jacobs JE, Zhou LY, Zhou H, Cairns BA, Maile R. Multiplexed Human Gene Expression Analysis Reveals a Central Role of the TLR/mTOR/PPARγ and NFkB Axes in Burn and Inhalation Injury-Induced Changes in Systemic Immunometabolism and Long-Term Patient Outcomes. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Aug 20;23(16):9418. PMID: 36012680