Small animal microsurgery
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm (elastase perfusion model, elastase topical application model, calcium chloride model, angiotensin II model, BAPN rupture model)
- Thoracic aortic aneurysm (elastase model only)
- Aortic transplant
- Heterotopical heart transplant (abdominal model, cervical model, re-transplant, second-graft transplant, target gene transfection)
- Other rodent survival surgeries (e.g. orchiectomy, ovariectomy, drug pellet or device implant etc.)

Large animal surgery
- Aortic aneurysm induction, organ or tissue transplants & other survival surgeries

Molecular Biology
- Protein, RNA and DNA abstraction
- Western blot
- Gelatin zymography & reverse zymography
- Cytokine and angiogenesis array
- Elispot
- Flow cytometry
Cell culture
- Isolation and culture of vascular smooth muscle cell
- Stem cell culture and application
- Bone marrow transplantation
- Adoptive T cell or B cell transfer
- Tissue sample processing and slice preparation
s - Regular histology stainings (HE, Verhoeff van Gieson, Picrosirius red, Trichrome, etc.)
- Immunohistochemical stainings (neutrophil, macrophage,CD3⁺ T cell, α-smooth muscle cell actin)
- Fluorescent & confocal imaging
Miscellaneous lab skills
- Small animal ultrasound
- Murine colony management and genotyping
- Sample collecting (tail vein, retro-orbital, lavage)
- Drug dosing (I.V., I.P., I.H, gavage)