Pediatric Surgery

About Us.

The UF Pediatric Surgery Research Team is committed to conducting research that results in new ideas and techniques for treating childhood diseases. Our current efforts include clinical, basic science, and educational research that investigates clinical care pathways in pediatric surgery, prematurity and pediatric surgical disease, and modern quality improvement. Our research incorporates faculty, residents, fellows, research staff, and medical students. These endeavors are pursued within the realm of a training program centered on General Surgery residents, particularly those interested in a career in Pediatric Surgery during a 2 year research commitment mid-training. In parallel to their surgical training, our fellows also participate in select clinical and didactic activities of the Department of Surgery. Two premier projects in our department are to evaluate the immune systems of premature infants during inflammation and treatment options for pediatric gastrointestinal motility disorders, specifically gastroparesis.

Join Us.

We seek to recruit new faculty and research partners to develop exciting and impactful research programs in areas of major scientific opportunity and unmet medical need.

For working and training opportunities in our laboratories, please contact Saleem Islam.