Name, MD/DO + any additional degrees: Grace Thompson, MD, MS
College/University: University of North Carolina
Medical School: University of Florida College of Medicine
Hometown: Gainesville, FL
Clinical Interests: Pediatric surgery, Vascular surgery, Colorectal surgery
What were you looking for in a residency program? Wide breadth of training opportunities, built in research time, supportive co-residents and faculty
What are the strengths of the UF program? The people and location. Not only do you get to learn from world class surgeons who are very invested in teaching, but the senior residents here are also world class and put as much effort into mentoring junior residents as they do taking care of their patients (AKA a lot of effort). UF is uniquely positioned where we have a catchment area spanning all of FL/south GA/south AL, and are often receiving transfers from other hospitals for the expertise of our faculty in their fields. As a resident it’s great learning as you get exposed to a wide variety of patients and pathologies all within the same hospital system.
What do you like best about living in Gainesville? I grew up here, so I’m biased, but Gainesville has a lot to offer no matter where you are on your life’s journey- it’s a college town with tons of young and single people, and a great place to raise a family (the public school system here is incredible). We even have a Cheesecake Factory now (so you know we’ve made it). You can also enjoy being outdoors 365 days a year here thanks to the weather, which is a huge plus when you’re spending so much time in the outdoors
List of hobbies/interests: running, cooking and eating, traveling, trips to the beach