Aging & Geriatric Research
Stephen Anton, PhD
Health promotion, preventive medicine, & healthy weight management

Molecular Genetics & Microbiology
Henry Baker, PhD
Functional genomics and computational biology of trauma and inflammation

Scott Berceli, MD-PhD
Complex interactions between inflammatory mediators, leukocyte migration & endothelial injury, & shear stress in neointimal hyperplasia following vascular injury

Azra Bihorac, MD
The role of acute kidney injury in outcome to severe trauma and sepsis Outcome studies secondary to peri‐operative and post‐ operative management

Scott Brakenridge, MD
Persisent inflammation, immunosuppression & catabolism & its effect on long term functional outcomes after sepsis

Todd Brusko, PhD
Events that control T cell activation & expansion

Philip Efron, MD
Murine models of polytrauma and sepsis, effect of aging on the myelopoietic response to trauma & sepsis

Todd Golde, MD-PhD
Therapeutic approaches to neurodegenerative disease

Emergency Medicine
Faheem Guirgis, MD
Dysfunctional high density lipoprotein & dysregulation of lipoprotein metabolism in sepsis

Shawn Larson, MD
Immune systems of premature infants during inflammation & infection

Aging & Geriatric Research
Christiaan Leeuwenburgh, PhD
Effects of aging on muscle mass & sarcopenia

Clayton Mathews, PhD
Genetic factors expressed at the level of the pancreatic islet that provide resistance to autoimmune diabetes

Infectious Diseases & Immunology
Mansour Mohamadzadeh, PhD
Properties of novel adjuvants that induce the activation of mucosal dendritic cells

Alicia Mohr, MD
Role of chronic adrenergic stimulation following traumatic injury on bone marrow dysfunction and persistent anemia

Lyle Moldawer, PhD
Genomics and systems biology based approaches to severe sepsis, trauma and burns

Frederick Moore, MD
Multiorgan failure and PICS in severely traumatized and septic patients

David Mozingo, MD
Role of microparticles after burn injury on activation of innate immunity

Pediatrics- Neonatology
Josef Neu, MD
Development & modulation of the intestinal microbiome & early nutrition & adult health

Westley Reeves, MD
Role of regulatory cell populations in the regulation of innate and acquired immune responses,

Mark Segal, MD-PhD
Increased cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes, chronic kidney disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, & women who have preeclampsia

Gilbert Upchurch, MD
Aortic & vascular disease

James Wynn, MD
Neonatal sepsis

Ali Zarrinpar, MD-PhD
Ischemia/reperfusion injury as source of organ damage in transplantation, myocardial infarction, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease