Abstract Submission Form – Research Day 2025 Please use the abstract template to be uploaded with the form linked below. Surgery Day Abstract Submission 2025 PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME*This is who will present the abstract at Research Day. More than one abstract may be submitted but only the top abstract will be selected for a presentation. Please use the suffix field to include Sr, Jr, etc and any titles MD, PhD, MS First Last Suffix PRESENTING AUTHOR EMAIL ADDRESS*Communication about the abstract will be sent to this author Senior Author Email Address*will only be utilized if the presenting author is unable to be reached PRESENTING AUTHOR ACADEMIC RANK* Undergraduate Student Medical Student Master’s student Biological Scientist Predoctoral (PhD) Trainee Postdoctoral (PhD) Trainee Surgery Resident Assistant Professor Associate Professor Other Post-Graduate Year (PGY) – for Surgery Residents Only PGY 1 PGY 2 PGY 3 PGY 4 PGY 5 PGY 6 PGY 7 or higher RESEARCH CATEGORY*Basic, foundational, and pre-clinical research: Research that is directed toward greater knowledge or understanding of the fundamental aspects of phenomena and of observable facts in order build theory and knowledge to inform practice. It includes all scientific study and experimentation directed toward a topic or area that has not been clearly identified or explored. This includes bench/basic sciences, methodological innovations, and research that improves our understanding of underlying mechanisms. Applied, Clinical, Community – Research to identify practical solutions to health challenges and needs. Solutions may include interventions, the development of tools for practice, or the evaluation of existing processes and practices. Clinical database evaluations and studies involved IRBs often fall into this category. The process of applied research is often referred to as a scientific process because it uses the practical application of the available scientific tools to get to the determined solutions. Basic, Foundational, Pre-Clinical Applied, Clinical, Community Case Report RESEARCH DISCIPLINE*Acute Care/Trauma/Sepsis/BurnsAI/Artificial IntelligenceColorectal (non-cancer)General SurgeryMedical EducationOncologyPediatric SurgeryPlastic SurgeryQualityThoracic/CardiacTransplant/Hepatopancreatobiliary (non-cancer)VascularRESEARCH PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED/PUBLISHED?*Please indicate if your abstract has previously been presented or published. If a presentation is upcoming or manuscript planned or submitted, select “Pending”. For tracking purposes only – submission elsewhere does not preclude submission to Research Day. No Yes Pending Abstract TitleThe abstract title will be included both here and on the top of your abstract which is uploaded. Abstract Upload*Please upload your abstract which is formatted as instructed on the template linked at the top of this page. Due to restrictions on the form submission we cannot link the template here, alternatively to scrolling up you can copy and past the text – https://surgery.med.ufl.edu/research-day-2024-abstract-template Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 125 MB.