Alexander Ayzengart, MD, MPH, FACS
Joined the editorial board of Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases
Thiago Beduschi, MD
Robert H. and kathleen M. Axline Translational Science Professorship in Surgery
Azra Bihorac, MD, MS
Awarded NIH R01 grant to study “Intelligent Intensive Care Unit (I2CU): Pervasive Sensing and Artificial Intelligence for Augmented Clinical Decision-making“
Harvey Chim, MD, FACS
Appointed associate editor for HAND, the official journal of the American Association for Hand Surgery
Kirsten Freeman, MD
Selected to become the next vice chair of the Thoracic Education Cooperative Group (TECog)
Chris Jacobs, MD
Favorite Resident Award
Bruce A. Mast, MD, FACS
Guest speaker on surgical facial rejuvenation for the University of Pittsburgh’s Department of Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds
Named the 2021 Chair of the North Florida Area Board of the American Cancer Society
Rachael Nettle, C-PNP, APRN
APSNA Spotlight Award
Robin Petroze, MD, MPH
Appointed affiliate faculty in UF’s Center for African Studies
Janice Taylor, MD, MEd
Appointed surgical director for the UF Health Pediatric Intestinal Rehabilitation Program
Krista Terracina, MD
Selected to receive funding from the Research Foundation of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons for a Research in Robotic Technology Grant for “Immersive VR 3D Model for Rectal Cancer Robotic Surgery“
Tera Thigpin
Superior Accomplishment Award
UF Health
Earned WASOG Center of Excellence Award for Sarcoidosis