- Personalized screening for lung cancer: the importance of co-existing chronic conditions to clinical practice and policy (PLuS) (R01) (Dr. Braithwaite)
- Advancing Precision Lung Cancer Surveillance and Outcomes in Diverse Populations (PLuS2) (R01) (Dr. Braithwaite)
- Diversity Supplement: Personalized screening for lung cancer: the importance of co-existing chronic conditions to clinical practice and policy (Caretia Washington)*
- Cancer Control and Population Sciences Research Program (P30) (Dr. Braithwaite)
- Menthol cigarette smoking-related blood metabolites and lung cancer risk (R03) (Dr. Yoon)
- Optimizing lung cancer risk assessment: from bench to trench (T32) (Meghann Wheeler)*
- Integrating Molecular Biological and Epidemiological Approaches in Assessing Differences in Treatment and Survival of Advanced-Stage Laryngeal Cancer by Race (TL1) (Caretia Washington)*
* student training grants and supplements