This conference will replace surgery 101& 201, and will meet on Wednesday afternoon from 4:00pm-5:00pm. Each week the group will review the modules assigned for the This Week in Score Curriculum (TWIS). With each TWIS assignment the all residents will be expected to:
- Complete the quiz associated with the weekly assignment in advance
- Review the modules assigned with particular focus on the two bolded modules and any italicized modules on the calendar below
- Come to class prepared to discuss the conference prep questions in class
Each week one resident will be assigned to lead the discussion of the conference prep questions. One faculty member with expertise in the subject of interest will be assigned as the curriculum mentor for that week. Presenting residents should review their presentation with that faculty member in advance of the session. The curriculum mentor for the week will also attend SCORE conference as schedules permit to assist in facilitating discussion and to answer any questions that arise from the presentation.
You will be expected to sign out your clinical work to you other teammates who are not attending conference and this will represent true protected time. Residents rotating on non-Department of Surgery rotations are not required to attend this conference, but are encouraged to attend. All other PGY 1&2 residents and PA residents are required to attend conference.