Grand Rounds
The University of Florida Grand Rounds Series is held each Friday morning and provides an opportunity for faculty, residents, students, and staff to explore new information appropriate to the surgical community, including innovations in surgical practice and novel approaches to the treatment and management of surgical patients, supporting collaborative and continuous learning for all clinicians in the department.
Surgery Morbidity & Mortality Conference
Morbidity and Mortality Conference is a component of professional education and quality improvement as defined in ACGME program requirements. Therefore, the conference is considered a required activity for all accredited surgery training programs. The review of surgical complications and their relationship to current surgical literature, hospital standards, practice guidelines, and other quality assurance data points has been shown to improve patient care. This conference is an essential part of every surgical department. The need to reflect upon one’s daily practice and seek methods for improvement is critically important to the growth and development of all clinicians.
Level-Specific Courses
Junior Level SCORE Course
The Junior Level SCORE Course is intended for PGY1 and PGY2 residents and meets weekly on both Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 7:00a – 8:00a. Each week the group will review the modules assigned for the This week in Score Curriculum (TWIS). With each TWIS assignment the all residents will be expected to complete the quiz associated with the weekly assignment in advance, review the modules assigned with particular focus on the two assigned modules, and come to class prepared to discuss the conference prep questions in class. Each week two of the four PGY-2s in each group will lead the discussion of the conference prep questions, one person responsible for each of the assigned modules. A faculty member will be present to moderate the discussion.
The PGY401 course is intended for PGY3 and PGY4 residents and meets weekly on Tuesdays from 6:45a – 7:30a. Residents, with the support and guidance of a faculty advisor, will critically examine the surgical literature through weekly review of overviews of selected readings. This intensive program will require dedicated reading and critical interpretation of the literature.
The PGY501 course is intended for Chief Residents preparing to transition to fellowship or independent practice and focuses on the business of medicine. Curriculum topics include contract negotiation, patient safety and quality, licensing and provider credentialing, coding and billing fraud/risk, promotion and tenure, practice models, and performance management.