Your support of the University of Florida’s Department of Surgery enables us to provide advanced care now as well as fund research for future cures.
Your gift may be used to meet the most urgent needs in a timely way, or you may choose a specific area for your gift to support. Unrestricted gifts provide the greatest flexibility to meet new challenges as they arise and enable us to plan strategically for the future.
All gifts to the University of Florida’s Department of Surgery are administered by the University of Florida Foundation, Inc. for the intended purpose specified by the donor. All checks should be made out to the University of Florida Foundation, Inc.
The University of Florida Foundation, Inc. is a duly qualified charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code.
Outright gifts
Outright gifts include contributions of cash, certificates of deposit, stock and bonds, mutual funds, real estate or personal property. You may also make a written pledge to be fulfilled within two to five years. Each asset may offer a different tax advantage.
Endowed gifts
You can create a permanent fund for a specific purpose. Your fund will be invested and managed by the University of Florida Foundation to provide a steady and reliable income stream forever.
To create an endowment, the original gift must be at least $30,000. You may take advantage of the State of Florida’s matching gift program to reach the minimum requirement. The original gift is known as the principal and cannot be spent. Instead, a portion of the annual income from the investment is used to fund the program. This allows the gift to make a perpetual impact as it continues to generate income.
Securities gifts
If your investments in financial markets have been successful, there are significant tax advantages for contributing highly appreciated, long-term securities to the foundation as a charitable gift. You may also make a gift of appreciated shares in a mutual fund.
By giving stocks or mutual funds, donors may avoid the capital gains they would normally pay. Donors can also earn a charitable tax deduction for the fair-market value of the contribution, up to thirty percent of their adjusted gross income. Any excess deduction can be carried over for up to five years. Per Internal Revenue Service rules, gifts of securities are assessed by the market value on the day the University of Florida Foundation, Inc. gains control of the assets.
Leave your legacy by making a specified gift in your will. A bequest is one of the simplest ways to remember those you care about the most.
Tribute/memorial gifts
Many supporters choose to make their gift in memory of a loved one or in honor of a physician, other health care provider or a friend or family member. Your tribute will not only recognize a special person, but also will assist the Department of Surgery.
As a follow-up to your contribution we will inform the person in whose honor the gift is being made, or the family of a loved one in whose memory the gift is made, that you have donated in their honor or memory.